13+ Best Cow Breed In India 2025 [Superior Breeds]

13+ Best Cow Breed In India ( High Quality Milk Producing Cow )
1. Gir cow

Cattle Name | Gir or Gyr |
Breed | Zebu |
Country of origin | India ( Gujrat ) |
Cattle type | Desi (indigenous) |
Average Body size | Large (400-475 kg) |
Milk Type | A2 Milk |
Milk L/Day | 6-10 liters per day |
Used for | Dairy purposes |
Gir cattle are a well-known dairy cattle breed from India. It is one of the most important Zebu or Bos indicus breeds in India, and it has been used to improve other breeds locally. Gir cattle are indigenous to the Gir hills and forests of Kathiawar. The Gujarat districts of Amreli, Bhavnagar, Junagadh, and Rajkot are included.
Gir cattle are indigenous to the Gir hills and forests of Kathiawar. The Gujarat districts of Amreli, Bhavnagar, Junagadh, and Rajkot are included. The breed gets its name from the Gir forest, which is the breed\’s natural habitat. In different parts of their breeding tract, the breed is also known by other names. Bhodali, Gujarati, Sorthi, Surti, Kathiawari, and Desan are some examples.
Gir cow milk production averages 6-10 liters per day. Cows are doing very well in India as well. Brazil produces an average of 3,500 kg of milk per lactation. Gir cattle have an average lifespan of 12-15 years. A cow gives birth to 10-12 calves during her lifetime. So that\’s why Gir cow is the #1 best cow breed in india.
Gir Cow is superior desi breed in India and their milk and ghee are very beneficial for our body.
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2. Sahiwal Cow

Cattle Name | Sahiwal |
Breed | Zebu |
Country of origin | Punjab, Pakistan |
Cattle type | Desi (indigenous), including Pakistan |
Average Body size | Large (550-650 kg) |
Milk Type | A2 Milk |
Milk L/Day | 40-50 liters milk |
Used for | Dairy purposes |
The Sahiwal cattle breed originated in undivided India\’s Montgomery region (now in Pakistan). Lola, Lambi Bar, Teli, Montgomery, and Multani are some other names for this cattle breed. The best indigenous dairy breed in the country is Sahiwal. Sahiwal milk yields between 1400 and 2500 kilograms per lactation on average. Many parts of India, including Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, and Uttar Pradesh, have it.
Sahiwal is a reddish brown to red color with varying amounts of white on the neck and underline. The color darkens towards the head, neck, legs, and tail of male breeds. This breed is also known for having droopy ears. The hump is quite large in males, but it is negligible in females. So that\’s why Sahiwal cow is the #2 best cow breed in india.
Sahiwal Cow is 2nd superior desi breed in India and their milk and ghee are very beneficial for our body.
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3. Red Sindhi Cow
Cattle Name | Red Sindhi |
Breed | Zebu |
Country of origin | Karachi, Pakistan |
Average Body size | Weight – Male: 530 kg; Female: 325 kgHeight – Male: 132 cm; Female: 115 cm |
Milk Type | A2 Milk |
Milk L/Day | More than 12 liters per day |
Used for | Dairy purposes |
The majority of red Sindhis live in the neighboring Pakistani districts of Karachi and Hyderabad. Sindhi and Red Karachi are other names for it. This cattle breed\’s body color is primarily red, with shades ranging from dark to light red and white stripes. Its milk yield varies between 1100 and 2600 kilograms. Red Sindhi is popular in crossbreeding programs. So that\’s why Red sindhi cow is the #3 best cow breed in india.
4. Rathi Cow
Cattle Name | Rathi |
Breed | Draft breed |
Country of origin | India |
Average Body size | Weight – Male: 350-400 kg; female: 280-300 kgHeight – 125 -139 cm |
Milk Type | A2 Milk |
Milk L/Day | 5-10 kg milk |
Used for | Dairy purposes |
Rathi cattle are a popular milch breed found in the desert areas of Rajasthan. This breed is a vital source of income for the farmers in this area. It is named after the Raths, a pastoral group of Muslims of Rajput descent who live a nomadic lifestyle. Rathi cattle are medium-sized animals with white spots all over their bodies and a brown color overall.
They can also have a completely black or brown coat with white spots. On average, cows produce 1560 kg of milk. Lactation milk yields range from 1062 to 2810 kg. Selected cows produced approximately 4800 kg at the farmer\’s doorstep. So that\’s why Rathi cow is the #4 best cow breed in india.
5. Ongole Cow
Cattle Name | Ongole (previously Nellore) |
Breed | Bos Indicus |
Country of origin | India |
Average Body size | Weight – Half a Ton, Height – 1.7 m; Length – 1.6 m; Girth – 2 meter |
Milk Type | A2 Milk |
Milk L/Day | 8-10 liters per day |
Used for | Dairy purposes |
Like other cattle breeds in India, the Ongole breed gets its name from the region where it is bred. It is also known as the Nellore breed because Ongole Taluk was previously part of the Nellore district but is now part of the Guntur district.
It is now part of the state of Andhra Pradesh. This breed\’s coat is gleaming white. Males are distinguished by dark markings on the head, neck, and hump, as well as black spots on the knees and pastern.
An Ongole cow can produce up to 2700 kg of milk. It has a 280-day lactation period. In their native land, Ongole cattle are effectively used for both work and milk production. They are normally docile, and the bulls are extremely powerful, which makes them ideal for heavy plowing or vehicle work but not for fast work or trot
ting. So that\’s why Ongole cow is the #5 best cow breed in india.
6. Deoni Cow
Cattle Name | Deoni |
Breed | Draught cattle |
Country of origin | India |
Average Body size | Weight – 600 kg male; 450 kg female |
Milk Type | A2 Milk |
Milk L/Day | 4-7 liters per day |
Used for | Dairy purposes |
It\’s also known as \”Dongarpati,\” \”Dangari,\” \”Deccani,\” and \”Surti.\” It is indigenous to Karnataka\’s Bidar district and Maharashtra\’s Latur district. It is a breed with two functions. It is a medium-sized animal with a white body covered in irregular black spots.
It has thin and loose skin, a broad head, thick and medium-sized horns, a deep and wide chest, and long, drooping ears. The cow produces 1135 liters of milk on average per lactation period. The milk has a fat content of 4.3%. This breed\’s bull weighs 600 kg on average, while the cow weighs 450 kg. So that\’s why Deoni cow is the #6 best cow breed in india.
7. Kankrej Cow
Cattle Name | Kankrej |
Breed | Zebu (Bos Indicus) |
Country of origin | India |
Average body size | Weight – 550-570 kg male; 330-370 kg female |
Milk Type | A2 Milk |
Milk L/Day | 3-5 liters per day |
Used for | Dairy purposes |
Kankrej cattle are a Zebu cattle breed. They originated in the Kankrej Taluka of the Banaskantha district of Gujarat, India. And the breed gets its name from its native land, Kankrej. Kankrej cattle have a short face, a broad forehead, and a slightly dished center. Their nose is slightly turned up.
The hump, forequarters, and hindquarters of bulls are darker than the barrel. They have lyre-shaped, powerful horns. In addition, their horns are skinnier than those of other breeds. Kankrej cows produce an average of 1738 kg over a lactation period ranging from 257 to 350 days.
Their milk has an average fat content of about 4.8 percent. The average age at first calving is between 39 and 56 months. Kankrej bulls weigh approximately 550-570 kg, and cows weigh approximately 330-370 kg. So that\’s why Kankrej cow is the #7 best cow breed in india.
8. Tharparkar Cow
Cattle Name | Tharparker |
Breed | Zebu (Bos Indicus) |
Country of origin | India |
Average Body weight | Weight – 450 kg male; 400 kg female |
Milk Type | A2 Milk |
Milk L/Day | 10-14 liters per day |
Used for | Dairy purposes |
Tharparkar is one of India\’s top five milking cattle. It is a dual-purpose cattle breed that is disease resistant. Thar is derived from Thul, the general term for the region of the sand, and Parkar means \”to cross over\” in Arabic. The region was previously known as Thar and Parkar, but Thar and Parkar were later combined into one word.
The breed is also known as \”White Sindhi,\” \”Cutchi,\” and \”Thari,\” depending on where it originated. Tharparkar cattle are medium-sized with lyre-shaped horns. Their skin tone is white/light gray. The bullocks can be used for plowing and casting. Furthermore, it produces 1800 to 2600 kilograms of milk per lactation. So that\’s why Tharparkar cow is the #8 best cow breed in india.
9. Hariana Cow
Cattle Name | Hariana |
Breed | Zebu (Bos Indicus) |
Country of origin | India |
Average Body weight | Weight – 430 kg male; 310 kg female |
Milk Type | A2 Milk |
Milk L/Day | 10-15 liters per day |
Used for | Dairy purposes |
It is native to the Haryana districts of Rohtak, Hissar, Karnal, and Gurgaon. It is also popular in parts of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, and Madhya Pradesh. The breed has a white or slightly ash-colored body, a tight and medium-sized body, a coffin-shaped skull, a small head, a dark or dark gray color on the forehead and hindquarters, long legs, small straight horns, a thin tail, and small tail.
Bullocks are excellent for fieldwork. This breed\’s bull weighs 5 quintals on average, while the cow weighs 3.5 quintals. It produces 1.5 kg of milk per cow per day on average. This breed\’s cow produces an average of 1000 liters of milk per lactation period. The milk has a fat content of 4.4%. So that\’s why Hariana cow is the #9 best cow breed in india.
10. Krishna Valley Cow
Cattle Name | Krishna Valley |
Breed | Zebu (Bos Indicus) |
Country of origin | India |
Average Body size | Weight – 550 kg male; 325 kg femaleHeight – male is 145 cm; 122 cm female |
Milk Type | A2 Milk |
Milk L/Day | 10-15 liters per day |
Used for | Dairy purposes |
It originated in Karnataka\’s Krishna River watershed and can also be found in Maharashtra\’s bordering districts. The cattle are large, with a massive frame and a deep, slackly built, short body.
Its tail almost reaches the ground. Because bullocks are very strong, they are used for plowing and are valued for their hard work. In a lactation of more than 300 days, the average milk yield is between 900 and 1200 kg. So that\’s why Krishna Valley cow is the #10 best cow breed in india.
11. Hallikar Cow
Cattle Name | Hallikar |
Breed | Zebu (Bos Indicus) |
Country of origin | India |
Average Body weight | Weight – 400 and 1,000 kgHeight – 135 to 165 cm |
Milk Type | A2 Milk |
Milk L/Day | 2-3 liters per day |
Used for | Dairy purposes |
The Hallikar cow is a type of cow found in India. It is also known as the Hallikar breed. It is an indigenous breed of cattle native to the Indian state of Karnataka. The Hallikar is known for its strong physique, hardiness, and resistance to disease. The Hallikar cow is a medium-sized animal, with a white face, black ears, and a black muzzle.
It has a broad chest, a deep barrel, and well-developed hindquarters. The Hallikar is a hardy animal and can survive in both hot and cold climates. It is also resistant to many diseases and can tolerate both drought and floods. The Hallikar is an ideal animal for both dairy and draft purposes. It is a good-draught animal and is used in plowing, carting, and other farm work.
The Hallikar is also a good dairy cow, producing an average of 3 to 4 liters of milk per day.
The milk is of high quality, with high butterfat content. The Hallikar is one of the most popular breeds of cattle in India. It is renowned for its hardiness and resistance to disease and is highly sought. So that\’s why Hallikar cow is the #11 best cow breed in india.
12. AmritMahal Cow
Cattle Name | Amrit Mahal |
Breed | Draught breed |
Country of origin | India |
Average Body weight | Weight – 500 and 800 kilogramsLength – 3.6 to 4.2 feet |
Milk Type | A2 Milk |
Milk L/Day | 8-12 liters per day |
Used for | Draught & Dairy purposes |
Amritmahal Cattle, descended from the Hallikar cow, is a Karnataka-bred Indian cattle breed. The breed is well-known for its hardiness and ability to thrive in semi-arid environments. For centuries, Amritmahal cattle have been used as draught animals, helping farmers plow their fields, transport goods, and pull carts.
They are also used for their milk, which is known for its high-fat content. Amritmahal cattle are a medium-sized breed, with cows measuring between 130 and 140 cm and bulls ranging between 140-150 cm in height. The cows at Amrit Mahal are not good milkers. The average lactation yield is 572 liters of milk.
They are typically a deep red or white color, with patches of brown or grey on some individuals. The breed has an angular head and a long neck, and the horns are usually curved and pointed. The breed is well-muscled, with a deep chest and strong, muscular legs.
Amritmahal cattle thrive in the semi-arid climate of India, where they can survive on little roughage while producing milk. The breed is known for its hardy constitution and its ability to travel long distances with very little rest. So that\’s why Amritmahal cow is the #12 best cow breed in india.
13. Khillari Cow
Cattle Name | Khillari |
Breed | Draught breed |
Country of origin | India |
Average Body size | Weight – 350 and 450 kilogramsLength – 4 to 4.5 feet |
Milk Type | A2 Milk |
Milk L/Day | 8-12 liters per day |
Used for | Draught & Dairy purposes |
Khillari cows are a rare and endangered breed of cattle found in India. They are native to the western part of the country, primarily in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Goa. The breed is known for its high milk production and hardiness, making it a popular choice for small-scale dairy farmers.
Khillari cows are a medium-sized breed, typically ranging in height from 46-52 inches at the shoulder. They have a characteristic black, white, and red color pattern, with a white face and often a white blaze down the forehead.
The horns are long and curved, and the hooves are strong and well-defined. The breed is well-adapted to its native climate, being heat and drought-tolerant. This makes it ideal for small-scale dairy farming in the region, as milk production is unaffected during these times.
Khillari cows are also well-known for their hardiness and disease resistance, which adds to their appeal among dairy farmers. In terms of milk production, Khillari cows produce an average of 3-5 liters per day, with peak production of up to 6 liters per day.
This is slightly higher than the average for other breeds, making it an appealing choice for those looking to maximize milk production. The milk is high in fat, making it ideal for traditional dishes such as ghee and kheer.
Khillari cows are also prized for their hardy constitution and long life span, with cows often living up to 15 years. This further sets them apart from other breeds, as they can continue to produce milk for a longer period of time.
Khillari cows are now listed as an endangered breed by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization due to their declining numbers.
The Indian government is working to preserve the breed and promote its adoption among small-scale farmers. These efforts have been fruitful, as the population of Khillari cows has been steadily increasing in recent years. So that\’s why Khillari cow is the #13 best cow breed in india.
14. Kangayam Cow
Cattle Name | Kangayam |
Breed | Draught breed |
Country of origin | India |
Average Body size | Weight – 340–525 kgHeight – 125–140 cm |
Milk Type | A2 Milk |
Milk L/Day | 8-12 liters per day |
Used for | Draught & Dairy purposes |
Kangayam cows are a breed of cattle from the Kangayam region in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. They are medium-sized animals with compact bodies, short horns, and a greyish-brown or black coat. The breed is known for its hardy constitution and strong milking capabilities.
Kangayam cows are regarded as one of India\’s best indigenous cattle breeds. They thrive in arid and semi-arid environments and can withstand extreme temperatures. They are also known for their high fertility rate, with cows producing up to 10 calves in their lifetime.
The Kangayam cow is a dual-purpose breed, used both for dairy and draft purposes. For dairy production, they are capable of producing up to 8 liters of milk on a daily basis with a fat content of 4.7 to 5.2%. As draft animals, they are known for their strength and stamina and are used for transporting goods and plowing fields.
Kangayam cows are also known for their disease resistance, with good immunity to common diseases like mastitis, foot and mouth disease, and tuberculosis. The breed is also known for its good temperament and docility, making them easy to handle for farmers.
Kangayam cows are becoming increasingly popular as dairy animals due to their good milk yields and hardiness. However, the breed is still considered an endangered species and is threatened by a lack of proper conservation and breeding programs. So that\’s why Kangayam cow is the #14 best cow breed in india.
15. Bargur Cow
Cattle Name | Bargur |
Breed | Draught breed |
Country of origin | India |
Average Body size | Weight – 400 to 500 kilogramsHeight – 105 and 110 cm |
Milk Type | A2 Milk |
Milk L/Day | 2-3 liters per day |
Used for | Draught & Dairy purposes |
Bargur is a dual-purpose cattle breed found in the Anthiyur Taluka of Erode district in western Tamil Nadu, around the Bargur hills. The Kannada-speaking Lingayats of the Bargur region primarily raised this breed in herds.
Bargur cattle are known for their speed, endurance, and trotting ability and are raised specifically for agricultural operations in hilly terrain. These are tough animals with a reputation for being aggressive and fiery. They are also cautious in their behavior and avoid strangers.
This small and ferocious animal, also known as Semmarai in Tamil Nadu, is a favorite during the \”Jallikattu,\” – a bull-taming tradition played in Tamil Nadu as part of the Pongal celebrations (harvest festival).
The cows are poor milkers, but their milk is known to be high in nutrients and have medicinal value. Scientific methods are being investigated for increasing the milk yield of these cows.
Researchers are working on extensive plans to selectively breed cattle in order to double milk yield from the current 2 to 3 liters per day. Cow milk production averages 350 kg per lactation and ranges between 250 and 1300 kg per lactation. So that\’s why Bargur cow is the #15 best cow breed in india.
So after seeing the list of 13+ best cow breeds in India, what can we conclude? We can conclude that the best milk-yielding breeds in India are Gir, Sahiwal, and Red Sindhi-like cattle. These cows are always in high demand due to their heavy milk production.
These cows are also exported to other countries, where they are used for milk and meat production. If anyone wants cattle that produce large amounts of milk, then they should rely on the Sahiwal and Gir cows. It doesn’t mean that other cows have no meaning, they are also very useful and used for different purposes along with high-quality milk production.
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