7 Best Benefits of Ghee for Bones & Joints

7 Best Benefits of Ghee for Bones & Joints

Today we will discuss most astonishing and most unexpected benefits of Ghee and why you should include this super food in your diet to take fitness to next level.

We Indians have been consuming ghee for centuries. This golden liquid is the goldmine of nutrients, has therapeutic value and can be used both internally as well as externally.

What Makes Ghee So Special for Bones?


There is a general misconception that eating fat in ghee will make you fat. But, it is very important for you to understand that nutritional profile in the organic pure cow ghee has fats which will do more good than harm. It will be more-clear to you when you understand the benefits of eating pure cow ghee.

7 Proven Benefits of Ghee For Bones & Joints

1. Constipation Worsens Joint Pain


When pelvic floor muscles of the body in the rectum are affected, they become too tight and unable to relax. It becomes difficult for stool to be passed. This straining of bowel movement causes the muscles to tighten even further.

How ghee helps in relieving joint pain:

The pure cow ghee contains an ample quantity of Butyrate, which works as mild laxative. It smoothens the bowl movement and keeps you fresh and active all the time. It relaxes your pelvic floor muscles and keeps the joints of the body flexible.

2. How Weight Loss Helps in Relieving Joint Pain?


Mostly people have weight induced joint pains. And, loosing wight takes stress of your joints and will help in preventing further excess damage.

How ghee helps in loosing weight?

You might be surprised to read this, but yes, it is true. Pure cow ghee contains Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and (CLA) Conjugated Linoleic acid, which are known for their proven roles in healthy and natural weight loss.

3. Ghee is a Nutritional Power House


It contains Vitamin A, D, E and K. These nutrients can be together beneficial for keeping your bones strong, for strengthening your immunity and keeping you free of any kind of disease. Many doctors have confirmed that eating fatty foods like ghee can help body absorb essential vitamins and minerals. Cooking healthy foods and vegetables with ghee may help you absorb more nutrients.  

4. How Ghee Helps Arthritis Patient in Relieving Joint Pain?


It helps in soothing inflammation, lubricates joints, and reducing joint stiffness causing arthritis. Ayurveda says that ghee creates Rasa, the first nourishing juice in the morning, which strengthens all the seven tissues, lubricates the joints, stops cracking and popping joints by removing excess vata.

5. Ayurvedic Healing of Ghee Massage


Regular massage of joints, reduces the effect of stress on the body and increases smooth functioning of the body. Drinking 5-10 ml of ghee empty stomach every day has amazing quality to lubricate the gastro-intestinal tract, all tissues and removes toxins called Ama.

6. Ghee has Anti-inflammatory Properties


Ghee has anti-inflammatory properties which not only treats burns and swellings but the butyrate present in it, which is a kind of fatty acid, strengthens the immune system.

7. Ghee has Rich Anti-Oxidant Properties

Rich anti-oxidant properties, which offers protection to the body by damage caused by free radicals. It prevents cell and tissue damage, thus giving strong protection to bones, relieves joint pains, helps in soothing inflammation, lubricates joints, and reduces joint stiffness.

Others Health Benefits of Ghee

Apart from the benefits mentioned above, there are several other benefits of ghee, like; it is beneficial for our eye sight, promotes healthy skin and hair, stops acne break out, its great anti-biotic properties help you during cold and cough and during pregnancy, it gives nourishment to both mother and child as they need more nutrients.

Also Read –

Foreign Company: Effects of Negative Marketing of Ghee on Indian Minds

In 1970s and 80s, when these foreign refined oil companies in order to sell their so called, “heart healthy” oils, intensively badly publicized the ghee, calling it fattening and unhealthy for heart.

Manipulated by such marketing strategies and warnings of doctors, we changed our household cooking medium to refined oil. Well, the health conscious opted for western Olive oil at five times more price. This is how your nutritious ghee got omitted from your diet

Ghee\’s Place in Western Market

You’ll be surprised to know that ghee has formed a premium place in the shelves of super market of west with the name, “Clarified Butter”. It is sold as the premium cooking oil.


There is no second opinion on this that now-a-days more and more “modern” families in India are adopting the so-called “old-style” habit of cooking with pure Desi Ghee. Even the doctors and nutritionists have agreed that when consumed in limited quantity, it can strengthen bones and boost your immune system.

Shahji Ghee is the best A2 desi cow ghee brand in India. You can buy Pure A2 Desi Ghee directly from our farm here –
Sahiwal Cow A2 Desi Ghee
Gir Cow A2 Desi Ghee
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