Vitamins In Ghee And Its Benefits

Ghee is the Indian Golden Elixir. This is an elixir because it keeps us healthy, anything that keeps us healthy is somewhere like an elixir for us. Ghee is being used in our country for thousands of years. Ghee has been used in many ways in our Vedic culture, whether it is used in the kitchen to prepare delicious food or as a medicine to cure diseases.

Ghee is a winner in every field and hence it is called a superfood. The things that make ghee so useful are its properties and nutritional content, especially its vitamin content. Today in this article we will see what types of vitamins are there in ghee and how they enhance our health. So let\’s start.

What Is Ghee? 

Ghee is a clarified butter often called “liquid gold” made from the milk of cows and buffalo. Ghee is formed by melting the butter over low heat, which separates the milk solids and water from the butterfat.

The melted butter is then simmered until the moisture evaporates and the milk solids caramelize, resulting in a golden liquid. The liquid is strained to remove any remaining solids, leaving behind pure, flavorful ghee. 

What Makes Ghee A Nutritional Powerhouse?

So, what are the things that make ghee a nutritional powerhouse? What are the things inside the ghee that keeps our body healthy, and give energy? What are the special things inside ghee that protect our bodies from diseases? These questions are very important to answer because the answers to these questions tell you the things that make ghee a nutritional powerhouse. 

If you see ghee then you didn’t find anything except healthy fats and vitamins. Ghee is the simplest superfood that just contains 100% healthy fats and some essential vitamins like A, E, D, and K.  These two things make ghee a nutritional powerhouse. 

The nutrition profile of ghee 


Ghee consists mainly of two components fat and vitamins. It contains high amounts of healthy fats, including saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Also, it is a good source of vitamins A, D, E, and K. 

Ghee contains lactose and casein in low amounts, which makes it suitable for people who are lactose-intolerant. Moreover, ghee has antioxidants and also contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Exploring the essential vitamins of ghee

When we explore ghee and investigate its nutritional benefits. We find a world of vitamins that make ghee a culinary and health master. These fat-soluble vitamins play an important role in maintaining our health and supporting the good functioning of the body. In this section, we will explore the essential vitamins of ghee and its health significance. 

A 100 gram serving of ghee contains the following nutrients:

Vitamin B1 0.001mg
Vitamin B2 0.005
Vitamin B3 0.003
Vitamin B6 0.001
Choline 22.3mg
Vitamin B12 0.01 µg
Vitamin E 2.8mg
Beta carotene 193 µg
Retinol 824 µg

Health Benefits Of Vitamins In Ghee

Vitamin A: The vision and immune booster

Vitamin A is an important constituent of ghee. It plays an important role in improving our vision and boosting our immune system. Here are some important functions of vitamin A:

  • Improve vision by aiding the production of light-absorbing pigment in the retina.
  • Support eye health
  • Maintain a healthy reproductive system 
  • Improve growth and development 

Vitamin E: The antioxidant reservoir 

Ghee is also an important nutrient called vitamin E. The specialization of Vitamin E is that it acts as a protector for our cells and tissues because it is potent antioxidant properties. It helps them keep safe from harmful damage called oxidative stress. When we consume ghee on a regular basis, then our body gets vitamin E, and our body does not lack it. 

It helps lower the chances of getting long-term illnesses and keeps our skin healthy. So, if you are using ghee in your meals, then mind it! You are one step ahead in keeping your health at a desired level.

Here are some important functions of vitamin A:

  • Acts as a protector of our cells and tissue.
  • Helps to keep safe from harmful damage.
  • Minimize the occurrence of long-term illness.

Vitamin D: The sunshine vitamin 

Vitamin D is sometimes called sunshine vitamin because soft sunshine triggers vitamin D synthesis in our body. This vitamin is associated with the development of the bone. It helps to strengthen the bone. It helps in calcium absorption, bone mineralization, and overall skeletal development. 

The deficiency of vitamin D can lead to the disease rickets and osteoporosis. Apart from the development and bone strengthening, it also supports boosting the immune system and mental welling. 

Here are some important functions of vitamin D: 

  • Helps in bone development 
  • Improve calcium absorption and bone mineralization 
  • Prevent the diseases like rickets and osteoporosis 
  • Boost immune system
  • Support mental wellbeings 

Vitamin K: The clotting agent

Vitamin K is one of the most important vitamins of ghee. This vitamin is very essential for our body also. Vitamin K is associated with blood clotting. If anyone is suffering from a deficiency of vitamin K then his/her body loses the capability of blood clotting. In this case, if anyone’s finger or any other organ gets cut then the bleeding does not stop and it can lead to death. 

Vitamin K helps in the development of the bone, prevents cardiovascular diseases, and supports athlete performance. Here are some important functions of vitamin K: 

  • Helps in blood clotting
  • Improve bone development
  • Support athlete performance 
  • Prevent cardiovascular diseases. 

Why should we incorporate ghee into our diet?

So, you have knew that ghee is full of healthy fats and essential vitamins. We are getting everything in a single jar of ghee. What will be the best things apart from this? Ghee is an unbeatable Indian superfood that is full of health benefits and medicinal properties. 

Having lots of health benefits, it is best ideal and decision to incorporate ghee into your diet. If you are using ghee in your diet then we appreciate it. But if you are not using ghee in your diet then use it now. Ghee’s vitamins will protect your body and make it function well. It helps your body to make it resistant to diseases. So, be wise and incorporate ghee into your diet right now

You can buy bilona ghee directly from our farm here:
A2 Sahiwal Cow Ghee
A2 Gir Cow Ghee

Which ghee is best for you? 

After knowing the essential vitamins of ghee and its benefits, if you wanna incorporate ghee into your diet then the fundamental question arises that which GEE? Which ghee should I buy? If you make your mood to incorporate ghee then you should use desi ghee also called A2 ghee in modern terms. 

You should use desi ghee because it is made from the milk of Indian desi cow from the bilona method. Desi ghee is considered the best ghee in the world. It is used in our Indian culture for thousands of years in culinary as well as treating various diseases. 

* Important Article *


In conclusion, we can say ghee is an Indian golden elixir. It is one of the best sources of vitamins like vitamins A, E, D, and K, and healthy fats. Its vitamin content helps to improve vision and helps to keep it healthy. Improves bone health, enhances blood clotting, and protects our body from various diseases. Considering these health benefits, it is recommended to incorporate ghee into the diet.
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